Poster of digital Seo depicting the vector illustration of a laptop with the name of the contact displayed on the screen indicating the vital role of web design in Digital marketing

Internet is now part and parcel of our everyday life. A day without the internet is impossible for most of us, especially businesses. And, we all know that consumers always search the internet first before buying anything. They spend time researching a particular product or brand before they make that final and vital buying decision. This is exactly why businesses of today need a well-maintained and well-designed website. After all, first impressions are always the best impression!

Website – The Lub Dub Of Your Business

A well-maintained and well-designed website is nothing less than the heart of your marketing operations and business. It acts as a platform where you can interact with your prospective clients.

Now, what exactly is web design and development? It is an umbrella term that involves all the processes included in creating a website. As the name itself clearly denotes, it includes two vital skills- web development and web design. If web design is all about the look and feel of the website, web development decides how well the website functions.

Web design is that sharp arrow that exactly hits the target and helps to promote your brand, service or product. Interested to know more? Let’s dive into the details.

Why Is Web Design and Development Important?

A business website is always the primary and the most common point of contact for your customers. It is seen as a reflection of your business’ professionalism. It is the platform that demonstrates your market reputation, brand image and expertise in front of your customers and prospective customers. Also, online marketing techniques like SEM, Content Marketing and SEO depend on websites for their success. An effective web design will tie up all the different components of your digital marketing plan and elevate the user experience in such a way that they will keep coming back again and again.

Now, when it comes to creating a website, the first thing you should have is a definite website goal. Also, you should determine who your business’ target audience will be. Ensure that you have a clear-cut answer to the following questions:

1) Who is this website for?

Always identify your target audience first. Then go ahead and build a website they would like to see. Once you have an idea about your audience, you can go ahead and build personas for all the segments inside that. Design a user journey for each persona- think about how they will reach your website, navigate through it and finally reach your website’s objective and take an action.

2) What are the needs of your target audience?

Before making changes to your website, ensure that you spend a considerable amount of time to understand the online behaviour of your target audience. Interact with your audience through multiple marketing channels and understand their expectations and needs. Then, try to incorporate those into your website.

3) What is your website’s main purpose?

While preparing a digital marketing strategy, ensure that you clearly define the website objectives. This can be sales, brand awareness or lead generation. Always keep some measurable KPI’s for any objective you choose. You can use data about website visits, the average time they spend on each page, keyword rankings and bounce rates to get an idea.

6 Reasons Why A Website Is Vital For Your Business’ Success

Let us now take a look at how and why a website is vital for the success of your business.

1. Web Design and SEO Are Inseparable Buddies

It goes without saying that SEO is all about improving your organic search visibility on all popular search engines. This is often achieved using various tried and tested on and off-site SEO tactics. And, it is imperative that your website is visible during a search because almost 93% of online activities start with a search on the search engine. Hence, a good website will always consider the below SEO factors:

– The Structure

Your users should be able to navigate through your website easily. It will also be useful for the bots as they can easily create maps for your website when they crawl through it.

– The Looks

Though user-friendliness is more important than looks, an aesthetic website will help in impressing your visitors, making them stay on it and even come back later.

– The Meta Data

Your website should allow you to input alt tags and metadata. These can help in offering a proper explanation about your website contents and pages.

– The Content

A good quality, plagiarism-free content is always an unavoidable part of every SEO strategy. Adding fresh, well-written and constantly updated content will help drive traffic to your website and improve conversion rates.

2. Web Design Help Optimise Conversion Rates

Conversion Rate Optimisation helps enhance your site and improve the chances of a user taking the desired action on your website. Thus, it helps to boost your Conversion Rates (CR). An effective web design will help in improving the online forms, texts and layouts in such a way that the CR and sales shoot up. Your website design should be basic and simple enough for a good UX. But, it should also be sophisticated enough for the CRO. You need to find that perfect balance.

Let us take a look at the design elements that can impact conversion rates:


Use colours smartly so that it helps to attract the right customers at the right time and for the right reasons. It is always better to use big and bold colours for the titles. You can use navy colours for the CTA sections as it can build trust in the minds of your customers.


If your website layout is in such a way that it only helps in confusing your customers, you might end up losing some valuable customers. Your website design should be seamless and user-friendly. It should indirectly encourage your customers to keep browsing, thereby leading to higher conversion rates.

Ranked among the leading responsive web design companies, we also recommend ensuring that the website design is device-agnostic and renders well on all mobile devices.


The choice of words used in a CTA section will directly help influence the conversion rates. Words like “download now”, “offer expires soon”, “free”, and “try now” can help increase the conversion rate by five per cent. Hence, choose your words wisely while writing the CTA section.

3. Web Design Holds The Key To User Experience

Your website visitors always have high expectations of how a website should be. They always expect a website to load faster. If it is taking time to load, they will most probably close the window and check something else.

  • Always compress your videos and images to the file size limit and keep the server compression activated.
  • Take care of the file size and site speed at the time of development of the website itself rather than going back later to correct it.
  • Place your ads either at the bottom or top of the page. Ensure that it doesn’t take up the entire screen space. You can use sliding ads as an option.
  • Create mobile responsive website designs so that the payment and contact forms function properly without any issue.
  • Regularly test your website and keep enhancing the user experience.

4. Web Design Is Crucial For Analytics & Monitoring

There are no perfect websites. You will have to optimise it continuously and ensure that it adapts to the changing customer expectations and requirements.

  • Ensure that the website is designed in such a way that it can be used to collect data easily.
  • Spend some time identifying the web pages that are not getting any traffic or resulting in conversions.
  • Use advanced strategies and monitoring techniques to derive the best results from your website.

5. Web Design Can Help Build Brands

Your website is the face of your business. If users encounter a bad experience on your website, then it will automatically diminish your brand image.

  • Ensure that your website reflects your brand image
  • If the brand talks about being easy, quick and simple, your website should also be easy to navigate and simple to use.
  • Include marketing materials like logo, font, colours, images and messages on your website.

6. Web Design Aids In Advertising And Marketing

In case you are running a pay-per-click advertisement, then it will lead visitors to a landing page on your website.

  • That one click from the ad to your website should be seamless and prompt visitors to take the desired action.
  • The website should not have a different look and feel compared to the Ad. This can create a disconnect in the minds of visitors.

Wrapping Up

A good website is a lot more than just a few pages on the internet. An amazing web design can help boost your brand, trigger sales and create an impressive online presence for your business. Wondering how to do it right? Our experts at Digital SEO, an web designing company in Tirunelveli, can guide you! Get in touch with us and leverage your business up one level with a website that impresses and converts visitors!

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I’m Eivine Renny, a content marketer who believes that words spell magic and trusts in the power of words above all! As a content marketer in the endless galaxy of contents, I can lend a helping hand in making your contents shine with a sparkle that captures attention!

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