Image showing social media platforms used for digital marketing

If you are an active social media (SM) user, you may have wondered why businesses are all over the digital space. Social media marketing is the latest digital marketing strategy, followed by companies worldwide. With several platforms offering unique advantages, it can be overwhelming for a business entity to decide which channel suits them the best.

DigitalSEO is one of the leading digital marketing experts in Chennai, enabling enterprises to integrate social media marketing in their growth strategies seamlessly.

Call us now to understand how social media can help boost your brand image and foster a healthy relationship with your customers.
Let us first understand how these platforms are transforming the ways of doing business in this digitized world.

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Social Media Platforms – Some Insights


Twitter connects you with friends and other interesting people or strangers. Hashtags are your voice on twitter. Tweets are categorized with a (#) symbol before relevant keywords. This way, the twitter community who follow this tag can participate in the conversation.
Twitter can be used

  • To connect with friends and strangers
  • To share real-time information
  • As a marketing tool for businesses


Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform. Similar to other SM platforms, users get a profile and a news feed. You connect with friends, celebrities, businesses, etc. by following their profiles.
It is a useful tool for

  • Sharing your products
  • Reposting pictures from your fans
  • Creating a personal space using tags
  • Instagram is the latest digital marketing strategy adopted by businesses with high-quality visual content.
  • Instagram has unique features that can be used effectively in marketing.


LinkedIn is the leading online portal for professional, social and career networking. Individuals use LinkedIn for job search and professional networking, and businesses use it for recruitment and for sharing company-specific information to prospective employees.
LinkedIn is predominantly used for

  • Recruitment
  • Professional Networking
  • Advertising
  • Business Development


Facebook is the most popular social networking site that allows registered users to upload photos and videos, send messages, and stay connected with friends and family. It also helps users to be aware of world events and share what matters to them the most.
People signup on Facebook

  • For Networking
  • For Advertising
  • For Sharing events
  • As a market place for their products

A dice having all social media platforms

Social Media Marketing – Which is the right platform for your brand?

Social media marketing as a business strategy is one of the best ways to sell your brand. Get in touch with digital marketing experts in Chennai to plan your social media marketing strategy.
But first, take a look at how these platforms can help in your business growth.


  • With Facebook, you get the opportunity to create a business page for your enterprise. Facebook facilitates business promotion through tools such as live videos, offers, and slideshows.
  • Users become your followers when they ‘like’ your page and get to view your posts as newsfeed in their timeline.
  • Facebook’s Page Analytics and Insights help you to decide if your business page requires any improvement or fine as is.
  • Facebook suits small businesses as it enables you to moderate your target audience.


  • Instagram is an excellent tool for building your brand community.
  • Instagram is a visual medium. Improve your brand image with high-quality graphic content of your upcoming products and share visual snippets of your production unit and the people behind. This will make your Instagram profile personal and interesting.
  • Engage with fans by reposting their images.
  • Caption your photos and use unique hashtags to promote your products
  • Instagram works great for businesses with more visual content like clothing brands, restaurants, jewelry, etc.


  • Twitter is a micro blogging site and keeps messages crisp and to the point.
  • A great medium to promote an event or a product
  • Messages with substance can be a challenge
  • This helps you provide real-time support to customer queries.
  • Businesses that want to reach up to the mainstream media may find Twitter most useful.


  • LinkedIn is strictly a professional networking site
  • Though the ‘social’ factor is less, compared to other platforms, it can be an effective tool to connect with business influencers.
  • It serves B2B practitioners the best.

Time to Get Started

No one platform fits every business. People have different patterns of connecting to different various media posts. By getting creative with the content, and with the right target, social media can help you scale up your business.
With DigitalSEO, you get the best digital marketing experts in Chennai who can chart out the perfect digital marketing strategy for your business. Get ready, Get started. Connect with us now, and see your business grow.

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I’m Eivine Renny, a content marketer who believes that words spell magic and trusts in the power of words above all! As a content marketer in the endless galaxy of contents, I can lend a helping hand in making your contents shine with a sparkle that captures attention!

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