mobile friendly picture

One of the biggest challenges an SEO faces today is staying ahead of the competition and maintaining its top ranking in Google pages. The search interface is ever evolving with new algorithm updates and other changes.

Staying ahead of Google updates is an absolute necessity for the very existence of any SEO company in Chennai. Businesses who fall behind can literally consider themselves out of the game. Let’s discuss on some very important points which will definitely assist in maintaining and improving your Google rankings in 2017.

Before going straight to the new trends, always remember that Backlinks will still be the leader of all the topmost Google ranking factors. You need to create thought-leading, conversational killer content with semantic as well as related keywords to please Google. Your goal is to attain Exceptional, brilliant and extraordinary user experience.

Accelerated Mobile Pages to set the trend

Mobile users can no longer be ignored. Around 60 % of the searches in Google are through mobile phones. The reason you need to incorporate Accelerated Mobile Pages is that they are fast to load. They require certain technical criteria sites to provide this kind of increase in the loading speed.
Though this has not been considered as a ranking factor yet, you can expect it to arise as the leading factor in 2017.

Also Read: Why Is Analytics So Important In Digital Marketing?

Google has listed out the importance of mobile speed as well as usability as primary indexing metrics. Developing your AMP is one of the ways you can stay ahead of the competition. Take the initial steps and start improvising today itself.


Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Search results

RankBrain Google’s machine-learning AI algorithm is used to facilitate processing of search results. It is also the third main ranking factor you need to consider.

As per SEO experts, the main purpose of RankBrain is sifting through relevant search results when users enter a strange unheard or otherwise called unusual query which Google has not been able to interpret earlier.

RankBrain makes it necessary for you to learn to serve visitors and give them with authoritative and reliable results. You cannot afford to take chances with anything to do with Google. Focus on your target audience and distribute relevant content heavily. Killer content is what the readers are looking for. Search and implement strategies which will accommodate smart AI techniques. Your website must also be easy to navigate. It should be user-friendly and have semantic keywords evenly distributed.

Rich answers populate SERPS

Structured Data often referred to collectively as Schema or Microdata, is now necessary to assist Google to understand the deep meanings and relevant context of your killer content. This, in turn, facilitates relevant and better search results.

Nowadays in any digital marketing company, SERPs have been filled with Knowledge Graphs as well as Rich Snippets /answers. Search results with rich answers or rich snippets have been gaining more popularity with each passing day.

You need to mark up the site as much as you can. Stay constantly updated on latest developments.
The foremost thing to make sure is to achieve a high ranking for your target query. The possibility of your content appearing in the rich answers is directly correlated to the current ranking. Never forget to include the basics like relevant keywords in your page header, Meta tag, Meta description and all H Tags. Think from a reader’s perspective while forming content.

Try to address the questions most sought after; the idea behind all rich answers is providing readers with relevant, quick and definitive answers. Include queries with “how”, “when,” “why,” “where,” and “who” to boost the importance of your content. Do not ignore Google search recommendations which help to know what your readers are asking for.

pic of Google-Voice-Search-Gets-SmarterRise of voice search algorithms

Most of the users are beginning to use voice search to obtain the required information. Speech recognition error rate is not an issue any longer. It has decreased from 25 %to 8 %. We have also found that the use of the voice search has also increased sevenfold as compared to 2010.

Staying ahead is now becoming a necessity of every business establishment. It is vital for the very existence of all SEO campaigns. Let’s be proactive and learn the tricks beforehand.

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I’m Eivine Renny, a content marketer who believes that words spell magic and trusts in the power of words above all! As a content marketer in the endless galaxy of contents, I can lend a helping hand in making your contents shine with a sparkle that captures attention!

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