
Atomic design is the latest update to web designing. As technology is becoming smarter day by day, every Web development company in Tirunelveli is beginning to include atomic designing as part of their work.

The concept of Atomic design was developed by the designer Brad Frost who was inspired by the atomic structure in chemistry. In a document, the atomic structures are represented by basic formatting tools like tags, labels, color palette, buttons, fonts, etc. You get a feel of the website when these atomic structures are put together to form molecules. Organisms make use of all the components to form a workable website.

The Atomic design also calls for a resource center where all the above elements are stored for reuse. This is known as interface inventory. This inventory is usually formed after the home page, and one more page is created. The elements will be common to both the pages. These form the base of the website. The building blocks or atoms as you can call them.

How Atomic Design Can Benefit Your Team

They will be used consistently in most of the pages by the designer. The inventory can be used as and when required on all the other pages. All the team members working on the website can easily access these elements and use them to form pages. This also ensures that there is effective communication among the team members who collaborate to produce a fascinating website.

How does it help?

Atomic Design helps us to discover true facts about the website you are working on. The inventory interface also acts as a common vocabulary for future reference and use.

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You can easily check which components can be reused.The atoms can be duplicated to build up molecules, and these can be used in patterns across the website. They can be mixed in different combinations to form molecules and even organisms. These combinations can be matched in various forms and styles to add creativity to the website. The designer will also be aware of how and where the atoms are being used. He will also understand which components are being used to create each page.

How Atomic Design Can Benefit Your Team

Easy to develop style

When the atoms and molecules are used to create a website from the start, they will surely serve as a style factor and determine how the website will look like finally. In fact, it is always better to introduce the atomic design right from the start, rather than introducing it at later stages.

Understanding the layout better

It is very easy to decode the layout of an atomically designed website.  This can be done even in later stages if any alteration or corrections need to be done. The website is easy to study for reference purposes also when designed atomically.

Such websites are very useful tools for beginners to start learning and understanding the concepts. Atomically designed websites are also more organized as everything is recorded and documented.

Obtaining a consistent code

Since a pattern is always involved, it is easier to find out which components have been used. If there is a need to reuse the same component, you can simply check it up in the inventory or the place used before.It saves a lot of time as all that information as to which component is at what location is already recorded.

The coding is consistent, and this reduces the chances of duplication. A pattern lab tool can also be incorporated.

How Atomic Design Can Benefit Your Team

Increased efficiency

When you have a list of predefined atoms before the web design, making the pages becomes extremely efficient and time-saving. Quicker prototyping is also possible in Atomic designing. All the components you need to build the web pages are already predefined, so picking them and combining them will be faster and less complicated.

Easier updating and alteration

In Atomic designing, one atom or organism is being added at a particular time. Hence it becomes easier to update all the same for the whole site in a single go. Similar is the case of deletion. If you do not need a particular atom, there are options to delete or remove parts of the component. The HTML, CSS as well as JS code can be removed as long as they are all written in atomic design.
Though initially, it may seem tough to adopt the methods of atomic designing, once you get the hang of it, creating a website will be child’s play for you and your team!

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I’m Eivine Renny, a content marketer who believes that words spell magic and trusts in the power of words above all! As a content marketer in the endless galaxy of contents, I can lend a helping hand in making your contents shine with a sparkle that captures attention!

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